configuration keys, conversion table, variants
The most smooth way to onboard new partners is found if you can reuse by reusing an already existing format made available by your own developer or by a Bizbrains developer at Bizbrains.
First step to achieve this is to make sure that you know the available formats (e.g. Edifact ORDERS D96A, Edifact INVOIC D96A, your own Custom XML) and which information you receive and send in these formats.
If the format is not applicable out of the box, Link has some possiblilities to adjust standard :
Afklar derfor om en eventuel afvigelse mellem dig og partneren kan løses ved:
Configuration keys – Vise hvordan
Conversion table – Vise hvordan
Varianter – forklare helt overordnet, da det er en udviklingsopgave?
Kopiere standard til nye versioner – forklare helt overordnet, da det er en udviklingsopgave?
Hvis ikke det kan løses ved ovenstående, skal udvikleren udvikle nyt format fra bunden(please be aware that this is something the developers should include in the mapping). The advantage is that they don’t need to hardcode it and once done, it can be reused with different data for different partners).