How to sign in

To log into Link, you´ll need three pieces of information:

1)      Link web application address (URL)

2)      your username

3)      your password.

These should all be provided to you by your administrator – if not, please ask them for it. 

To login, simply enter the Link web application address in your browser address bar (We recommended you save this address in your browser favorites).

The following screen will appear:

  • Enter your username (case-sensitive).
  • Enter your password (case-sensitive).
  • Press the ‘Login’ button.

If you check the ‘Remember me’ checkbox, you will remain logged in until you manually log off, even if you close your browser window. So, the next time you visit your Link application, you will not need to login. Please use this feature with caution, as this can allow unauthorized users to bypass the login and directly access your Link solution if you leave your PC unlocked.

Please note that Link can also be integrated with Microsoft Azure AD. You can read more about how to set this up in the Link technical guide.

If this option is enabled, you need only the URL to sign in.

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 3.00