

Used for filenaming, batchingkey, “flow convoy key” og “transport convoy key”:

if the first does not hit a node continue to the next:

  • { context$<ContextName>,<ContextNamespace>} 
  • FILE_{sequence$MinUnikkeSekvens,00000000}.xml” will result in ”FILE_00000001.xml”.
  • {SourceFileName} (Sets the original filename. Require the file come from FILE or FTP)
  • {SourceFileNameNoExt} (Sets the original filename (without the file extension). Require the file come from FILE or FTP)
  • {extension} (Get the default extention based on format type.)

Used for MailSubject og Mail body:

  • {Object} ( Get DocumentType name e.g. SalesPriceCatalogue)
  • {DocumentNumber} (Get Document Number e.g. Invoice Number or Despatch Advice number depending on Document type)
  • {SenderName}

Mail subject and body templates are defined in


It is important to insert new templates with correct DataFieldsId.

This can be selected by joining

[EdiPortal].[Transport].[tTransportTypes] with [EdiPortal].[Transport].[tTransportTypeFields] 

(remember correct Dataowner)

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 2.10