Karsten Markmann
Partner Detail → Contacts
From this tab, you can enter details regarding the partner’s key business and technical contact details.
The data grid contains a list of contacts, initially sorted by priority. From here you can create new contacts or edit and delete existing ones. Only some information about the contact are initally displayed in the grid. To add additional columns, use the column chooser. To read more about this and to see more information about manipulating the data grid, see the 'Data Grid' page in the documentation.
Create New Contact [1]
Press the '+' button to begin creating a new contact. A set of fields will be displayed, allowing you to enter the needed contact information. Press 'Save' when you are done filling out the fields or press *Cancel' to your changes. Only the 'Name' field is required.
The Priority field will determine where in the list the contact will be shown. A lower number will rank the contact higher in the list. The Types field contain two different types: Business and Technical. Select the one appropiate for the contact.
Edit [2]
Click this to edit the contact information for the contact record. The same fields as shown under the 'Create New Contact' section will be displayed. Press' Save' when you are done editing or press 'Cancel' to undo your changes.
Delete [2]
Click this to delete the contact record. A prompt allowing you to confirm your choice will be displayed.
Content on this page:
The information on this page is based on Link 2.12