


Alert Action AssignToMeGives the user access to assign an alert
Alert Action MarkAsHandledGives the user access to mark an alert as handled
Alert Action PostponeGives the user access to postpone an alert
Alert Action SaveGives the user access to save an alert
Alert Action SendNotificationGives the user access to send notification
Alert Action UnassignGives the user access to unassign
Alert View DetailsGives the user access to view alert details 
Alert View HistoryGives the user access to view alert history 
Alert View OverviewGives the user access to view alerts
AlertAbsence Action CreateGives the user access to create an absence template
AlertAbsence Action DeleteGives the user access to delete an absence template
AlertAbsence Action EditGives the user access to edit an absence template
AlertAbsence View DetailsGives the user access to view absence details
AlertAbsence View OverviewGives the user access to view absence overview
AlertAdmin Action CreateGives the user access to creta an alert
AlertAdmin Action CreateAbsenceGives the user access to create an absence item on an alert
AlertAdmin Action DeleteGives the user access to delete an alert
AlertAdmin Action EditGives the user access to edit an alert
AlertAdmin Action EditContactsGives the user access to edit contacts
AlertAdmin View DetailsGives the user access to view alert admin details
AlertAdmin View OverviewGives the user access to view alert admin overview
Allow get from multiple partnersGives the user access to get files from multiple partners through the EdiPortal Receive WebService. Otherwise it is only possible to get from the default partner of the user.
Allow send from multiple partnersGives the user access to send from multiple partners through the EdiPortal Receive WebService. Otherwise it is only possible to send from the default partner of the user.
Change dataownerGives access to change the dataowner
Charts View ChartsGives the user access to view charts
DataGroup Action CreateGives the user access to create data group via the EdiPortal.
DataGroup Action DeleteGives the user access to delete data group via the EdiPortal.
DataGroup Action EditGives the user access to edit data group via the EdiPortal.
DataGroup Action ShowLogGives the user access to view data group log
Distribution Action DistributionCreateGives the user access to create a distribution.
Distribution Action DistributionDeleteGives the user access to delete one or more distributions.
Distribution Action DistributionEditGives the user access to edit a distribution.
Distribution Action DistributionExportGives the user access to export one or more distributions.
Distribution Action DistributionImportGives the user access to import one or more distributions.
Distribution Action DistributionTemplateCreateGives the user access to create a distribution template.
Distribution Action ShowLogGives the user access to see distribution log
Distribution Action TemplateDistributionGives the user access to all 'Distribution Action * permissions' for template Distribution
Distribution Action UploadTestFileGives the user access to upload a test file through a distribution.
Distribution Action ViewRawDistributionGives the user access to view a raw distribution.
Distribution View DistributionDetailsGives the user access to view details for a distribution.
Distribution View SearchGives the user access to view a distribution search.
Distribution View SearchResultGives the user access to view a distribution search result.
DocumentArchive View DocumentsCurrentUserGives the user access to document archive.
DocumentArchive View ValidateSupplierGives the user access to validate a supplier based on VAT
EdiPortal UserGives access to Link
ErrorHandling Action EditGives the user access to edit Error Handling via the EdiPortal.
ErrorHandling ViewGives the user access to view Error Handling via the EdiPortal.
Monitor Action ChangeColumnLayoutGives the user access to edit column layout
Monitor Action Create Action FieldGives the user access to add an action field for running script/program
Monitor Action CreateScheduleGives the user access to create a monitor schedule
Monitor Action DeleteScheduleGives the user access to delete monitor schedules
Monitor Action EditScheduleGives the user access to edit monitor schedules
Monitor Action GroupCreateGives the user access to create a monitor group.
Monitor Action GroupDeleteGives the user access to delete a monitor group.
Monitor Action GroupEditGives the user access to edit a monitor group.
Monitor Action ItemCreateGives the user access to create a monitor item.
Monitor Action ItemDeleteGives the user access to delete a monitor item.
Monitor Action ItemEditGives the user access to edit a monitor item.
Monitor Action ServiceWindowEditGives the user access to edit a monitor service window.
Monitor View ConfigGives the user access to monitor config.
Monitor View ExternalGives the user access to the external monitor-page.
Monitor View InternalGives the user access to the internal monitor-page.
Monitor View ScheduleGives the user access to the monitor schedule page
Monitor View ScheduleDetailsGives the user access to view monitor schedule details
MonitorService WebserviceAccessGives the user access to make monitor service calls
Partner Action CertificateCreateGives the user access to create a certificate.
Partner Action CertificateDeleteGives the user access to delete a certificate.
Partner Action CertificateDownloadGives the user access to download a certificate.
Partner Action CertificateEditGives the user access to edit a certificate.
Partner Action CertificateShowGives the user access to view a certificate.
Partner Action ConfigurationKeysEditGives the user access to edit the partner configuration key.
Partner Action ConfigurationKeyShowGives the user access to view the partner configuration key.
Partner Action ContactsCreateGives the user access to create a partner contact.
Partner Action ContactsDeleteGives the user access to delete a partner contact.
Partner Action ContactsEditGives the user access to edit a partner contact.
Partner Action ContactsShowGives the user access to view a partner contact.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataEditGives the user access to edit data in a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataEditUniversalGives the user access to edit data in a universal conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataImportGives the user access to import data in a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataImportUniversalGives the user access to import data in a universal conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataShowFromOtherPartnersGives the user access to view conversation table data from other partner.
Partner Action ConversionTableDataShowPartnerSpecificGives the user access to view partner specific conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTablesShowGives the user access to view a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTablesShowUniversalGives the user access to view a universal conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureCreateGives the user access to create a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureCreateUniversalGives the user access to create a universal conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureDeleteGives the user access to delete a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureDeleteUniversalGives the user access to delete a universal conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureEditGives the user access to edit a conversion table.
Partner Action ConversionTableStructureEditUniversalGives the user access to edit a universal conversion table.
Partner Action Create Certificate External ForeignKeyGives the partner certificate web service access to create a certificate for the foreign system
Partner Action DeleteCertificate External ForeignKeyGives the partner certificate web service access to delete a certificate for the foreign system
Partner Action EdiConfigurationsEditGives the user access to edit the edi configuration
Partner Action EdiConfigurationsShowGives the user access to edit a partner configuration.
Partner Action Ftp Change UsernameGives the user access to change ftp username
Partner Action Ftp Show PasswordGives the user access to see ftp password for a partner
Partner Action FtpChangePasswordGives the user access to change FTP password
Partner Action FtpCreateGives the user access to create the FTP account.
Partner Action FtpDeleteGives the user access to delete the FTP account.
Partner Action FtpEditGives the user access to edit the FTP account.
Partner Action FtpShowGives the user access to view the FTP account.
Partner Action FtpShowFilesGives the user access to see the FTP files
Partner Action GeneralEditGives the user access to edit a partner.
Partner Action GeneralShowGives the user access to view a partner.
Partner Action IdentificationCreateGives the user access to create a partner identification.
Partner Action IdentificationDeleteGives the user access to delete the partners identification.
Partner Action IdentificationEditGives the user access to edit a partner identification.
Partner Action IdentificationShowGives the user access to view a partner identification.
Partner Action Internal PartnerGives the user access to all 'Partner Action * permissions' for Internal Partners.
Partner Action LocationsCreateGives the user access to create a partner location.
Partner Action LocationsDeleteGives the user access to delete a partner location.
Partner Action LocationsDeleteGlobalGives the user access to delete a partner location global.
Partner Action LocationsEditGives the user access to create a partner location.
Partner Action LocationsEditGlobalGives the user access to create a partner location global.
Partner Action LocationsShowGives the user access to view a partner location.
Partner Action PartnerCreateGives the user access to create a partner.
Partner Action PartnerDeleteGives the user access to delete a partner.
Partner Action PartnerExportGives the user access to export the partners.
Partner Action PartnerImportGives the user access to import the partners.
Partner Action ProxyPartnerCreateGives the user access to create a proxy partner.
Partner Action ProxyPartnerEditGives the user access to edit a proxy partner.
Partner Action ProxyPartnerShowGives the user access to view a proxy partner.
Partner Action ShowLogGives the user access to see partner log
Partner Action UpdateCertificate External ForeignKeyGives the partner certificate web service access to update a certificate for the foreign system
Partner View PartnerDetailsGives the user access to view details for a partner.
Partner View SearchGives the user access to view a partner search.
ReceiveSite Action DownloadGives the user access to download from outbox from receive site.
ReceiveSite Action FailDocumentsGives the user access fail documents
ReceiveSite Action MarkFilesOutboxGives the user access mark files in outbox
ReceiveSite Action UploadGives the user access to upload to inbox from receive site.
Report Action ExecuteReportGives the user access to execute a report
Reports View ReportOverviewGives the user access to view reports
Settings Action DataownerConfiguration CreateGives the user access to create a data owner configuration settings.
Settings Action DataownerConfiguration DeleteGives the user access to delete data owner configuration settings.
Settings Action DataownerConfiguration EditGives the user access to edit data owner configuration settings.
Settings View BiztalkConfigurationGives the user access to view Biztalk configuration settings.
Settings View DataownerConfigurationGives the user access to view data owner configuration settings.
Show PasswordsGives the user access to show content of password fields
Ssis Action ExecuteSqlAgentJobGives the user access to execute SSIS job
Ssis Action MarkAsManuallyHandledGives the user access to mark the SSIS job as manually handled
Ssis View SearchGives the user access to view SSIS jobs
Ssis View SearchResultGives the user access to search SSIS jobs
Ssis View SearchResultDetailsGives the user access to view search result details
SuperAdminGives the user SuperAdmin access.
System User AdminPossibility to add System users as BizTalkService and MonitorService to Users
Tracking Action ChangeStakeholderGives the user access to change the stakeholder.
Tracking Action DeleteDocumentGives the user access to delete one or more documents.
Tracking Action DeleteMultipleDocumentsGives the user access to delete multiple documents in the tracking search result grid by using the right-click context menu
Tracking Action DirectDocumentSearchGives the user access to search documents directly
Tracking Action DownloadCdmAttachmentGives the user access to download cdm attachment
Tracking Action DownloadFileGives the user access to download one or more files.
Tracking Action ExportFilesZippedGives the user access to export one or more zipped documents.
Tracking Action ManuallyHandleGives the user access to manually handle the document.
Tracking Action MarkForTestGives the user access to mark document for test
Tracking Action RecreateGives the user access to recreate the document.
Tracking Action ResendGives the user access to resend the document.
Tracking Action ResendByInterchangeGives the user access to resend a document with the option: 'Interchange' turned on
Tracking Action ResendByPassDoubletCheckGives the user access to resend a document with the option: 'Bypass doublet check' turned on
Tracking Action ResendByPassTestMarkingGives the user access to resend a document with the option: 'Bypass test marking' turned on
Tracking Action ResendGenerateNewTransmissionIdGives the user access to resend a document with the option: 'Generate new TransmissionId' turned on
Tracking Action ResendUseDocumentLogGives the user access to resend a document with the option: 'Use document log' turned on
Tracking Action SaveSearchGives the user access to save the search in tracking.
Tracking Action SetDocumentPriorityGives the user access to set the priority for one or more documents.
Tracking Action ShowFileContentGives the user access to view a file content.
Tracking Action ShowStylesheetGives the user access see cdm file using stylesheet
Tracking Action ViewAndDownloadAdditionalBackupFilesGives the user access to view and download additional backup files
Tracking Action ViewRawDocumentGives the user access to view one or more raw documents.
Tracking View DocumentDetailsGives the user access to view details for a document.
Tracking View SearchGives the user access to view a tracking search.
Tracking View SearchResultGives the user access to view a tracking search result.
User Action ChangePasswordGives the user access to change the password.
User Action ChangeUsernameGives the user access to change the user name.
User Action ShowLogGives the user access to see user log
User Action ShowPasswordGives the user access to show content of password fields.
User Action UserCreateGives the user access to create users.
User Action UserDeleteGives the user access to delete users.
User Action UserEditGives the user access to edit users.
User Action UserEditUserGroupsGives the user access to edit user groups.
User Action ViewUserAccessOverviewGives the user access to view the permissions overview.
UserGroup Action CreateGives the user access to create user group via the EdiPortal.
UserGroup Action DeleteGives the user access to delete user group via the EdiPortal.
UserGroup Action EditGives the user access to edit user group via the EdiPortal.
UserGroup Action ShowLogGives the user access to view user group log
UserRole Action ShowLogGives the user access to view user role log
UserRoles Action CreateGives the user access to create user role via the EdiPortal.
UserRoles Action DeleteGives the user access to delete user role via the EdiPortal.
UserRoles Action EditGives the user access to edit user role via the EdiPortal.
Users View DataGroupsGives the user access to view data groups via the EdiPortal.
Users View ErrorHandlingGives the user access to view Error Handling via the EdiPortal.
Users View SearchGives the user access to view user search.
Users View UserDetailsGives the user access to view details for a User.
Users View UserGroupsGives the user access to view User Groups via the EdiPortal.
Users View UserRolesGives the user access to view User Roles via the EdiPortal.
WebServices Action CreateSiteGives the user access to create a site
WebServices Action CreateWebServiceGives the user access to create a webservice
WebServices Action CreateWebServiceMethodGives the user access to create a webservice method
WebServices Action SearchGives the user access to search
WebServices Action UpdateSiteGives the user access to update a site
WebServices Action UpdateWebServiceGives the user access to update a webservice
WebServices Action UpdateWebServiceMethodGives the user access to update a webservice method
WebServices View ConfigGives the user access to view webservices config
WebServices View SearchGives the user access to webservices search
WebServices View SitesGives the user access to view sites
WebServices View TrackingFieldContainerGives the user access to view tracking fields
WebServices View TrackingFieldRequestValuesGives the user access to view tracking request values
WebServices View TrackingFieldResponseValuesGives the user access to view tracking response values
WebServices View WebServiceCallsGives the user access to view webservice calls
xNotUsed_Advanced informationUsed to give a user permissions to view extra details in different views - eg. distributions.
xNotUsed_Create FTP AccountGives the user access to create an FTP account for a Partner
xNotUsed_Delete distributionsGives the user access to delete distributions
xNotUsed_Delete documentsGives the user access to delete documents
xNotUsed_Delete FTP AccountGives the user access to delete an FTP account for a Partner
xNotUsed_Delete multiple documentsGives the user access to delete multiple documents in the search-grid
xNotUsed_Delete partnersGives the user access to delete partners
xNotUsed_Delete transport configurationGives the user access to delete transport configurations (Locations)
xNotUsed_Distribution EditorNULL
xNotUsed_Distriubtion ViewerNULL
xNotUsed_Edit global locationsGives the user access make a partner location global
xNotUsed_Edit UsersGives the user access to create/edit/delete users
xNotUsed_EditErrorHandlingGives the user access to edit Error Handling via the EdiPortal.
xNotUsed_EditRolesGives the user access to edit roles via the EdiPortal.
xNotUsed_Import/ExportGives the user access export and import partners and distributions
xNotUsed_Partner EditorNULL
xNotUsed_Partner ViewerNULL
xNotUsed_Set Document PriorityGives the user access to set the priority for one or more documents
xNotUsed_SqlReport ViewGives the user access to execute custom SqlReports
xNotUsed_SSIS EditGives the user access to execute jobs
xNotUsed_SSIS ViewGives the user access to view and search SSIS related info
xNotUsed_SSIS View Execution DetailsGives the user access to view details for an execution
xNotUsed_Tracking EditorNULL
xNotUsed_Tracking ViewerNULL
xNotUsed_Upload test fileGives the user access to upload a test file through a distribution
xNotUsed_ViewMonitorGives the user access to the monitor-page.
xNotUsed_WebService EditGives the user access to control what services and methods tracking should be enabled for.
xNotUsed_WebService ViewGives the user access to view and search web-service tracking info

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