Certificate REST API
- Karsten Markmann
Public Rest API
PGP WebService Interface for Certificate Metadata
Before you can use this service, you will need to check that the UsageCode, CertificateTypeCode and IdentificationType and IdentificationValue , you are about to use, are created.
- CertificateTypeCode should be present in the table: partner.tPartnerCertificateTypes
- UsageCodes should be present in the table: partner.tPartnerCertificateUsages
- IdentificationType should be present in the table: partner.tIdentificationTypes
- IdentificationValue should be preseent in the table: partner.tPartner_IdentificationTypes
We are doing basic authentication for all the web service calls via Link user.
The create-certificate a permission called Partner_Action_CreateCertificate_External_ForeignKey
The create-certificate for updating an existing certificate requires a permission called Partner_Action_UpdateCertificate_External_ForeignKey
The delete-certificate requires a permission called Partner_Action_DeleteCertificate_External_ForeignKey
Available methods
The PGP Web service interface has following methods available.The webservice interface is implemented at recieve site,so {host} represents the receive site URL
Get-Certificate ([HttpGet]) ( http://{host}/api/PartnerExternalCertificateSystem/get-certificate ) The get certificate method will take one parameter called externalForeignKey and return the certificate metadata if it is present e.g http://{host}/api/PartnerExternalCertificateSystem/get-certificate?externalForeignKey=SystemName_Cert0001 .
Delete-Certificate ([HttpDelete]) ( http://{host}/api/PartnerExternalCertificateSystem/delete-certificate ) The delete certificate method will take one parameter called externalForeignKey and deletes the certificate metadata if it is present e.g http://{host} /api/PartnerExternalCertificateSystem/delete-certificate?externalForeignKey=SystemName_Cert0001. It needs a permission in Link called Partner_Action_DeleteCertificate_External_ForeignKey
Save-Certificate ([HttpPost]) ( http://{host}/api/PartnerExternalCertificateSystem/save-certificate ) The save certificate method will create or update the certificate metadata, if it already exist against the externalForeignKey . All the parameters will be mandatory except a comment. It needs a permission for adding certficate called Partner_Action_CreateCertificate_External_ForeignKey and also a permission for update cerificate called Partner_Action_UpdateCertificate_External_ForeignKey It will take following parameters in the body
Body properties
- FriendlyName [string (1 - 250)]
- ValidFrom (It should be in yyyy-MM-dd date format)
- ValidTo ( yyyy-MM-dd date format)
- StartUsing ( yyyy-MM-dd date format)
- SerialNumber [string (1 - 50)]
- Comment (Optional)
- HasPrivateKey (bit) (true or false)
- Issuer [string (1 - 250)]
- CertificateTypeCode [string (1 - 50)] (e.g X509 )
- ExternalForeignKey [string (1 - 150)]
- UsageCodes (It's a comma-separated usage code e.g As2, As4 )
- IdentificationType [string (1 - 255)] ( partner identification type )
- IdentificationValue [string (1 - 500)] (partner identification value)
Request Header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic RGF2aWQ6RW5UbzM0RmVtIQ== (Base64 encoded LINK user, it can be generated from https://www.base64encode.org/)
Request Body
"IdentificationType":"Mutually defined",
"Issuer":"CN=biz, OU=bizbc2, O=bizb-c2, L=bizb-c2, S=bizbc2, C=EU",
"Subject":"CN=bizbrc2, OU=bizbc2, O=bizbc2, L=bizbc2, S=bizbc2, C=EU",
Note: All the requests need to pass application/json as a content type.
Content on this page:
The information on this page is based on Link 2.8