Partner detail page

Partner Detail


This is the main page for maintaining information and configuration for Link partners. You can immediately see some basic information (name and type) on the "General" tab which is select by default. Through the many other tabs you will find lots of other configuration options.

Note that this page contains several tabs each containing it's own set of configuration options and action buttons. You will find detailed information about each tab in the corresponding sub-chapters. By default, the "General" tab is selected.

Note that you must save changes on each tab before switching to another.

On the top of the page you'll find a few header actions that are available regardless of which tab you have select. We'll cover these in the section below.Ā 

Header Actions


Click this to refresh the partner details should they have been changed since visiting the page.Ā 

Create new

Press this to create a new partner. See the New PartnerĀ page for more information.

Show log

Here you can see the change log for this partner.

Add to favorites

If you click this option the partner will be immediately accessible from the Partner menu.

You can now continue reading more about the individual tabs:


This button is used to export partner information. Read more in theĀ Import and export of configuration section.


This button is used to delete a partner completely from Link,

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 3.00