Indicate B2B Token and two URLs under B2B Web Service og B2B Webservice Ext – also in Company Information:
B2B Web Service: https://rest.b2bbackbone.com/b2bWS.ashx
B2B Web Service Ext.: https://restext.b2bbackbone.com/b2bWSExt.ashx
B2B Web Service Partner: https://restext.b2bbackbone.com/b2bWSExt.ashx
B2B URL – Vis document: https://shv.b2bbackbone. com/ShowVoucher.aspx?vou=%1
On top of this, Bizbrains B2B Backbone has some setup and prepartion preparation to do - in cooperation with you and eventually with your external ERP consultant.LAVE TO EN OM LINK OG EN OM B2B !!!!!
Vigtigt! Der skal gensendes dokumenter fra BC, inden man starter med at arbejde med at sende dokumenter ud. Ellers risikerer man at gensende alle tidligere sendte dokumenter (fakturaer , følgesedler etc.). Det gælder ved ny installation af BC.