The init-configuration contains information that is applied to every new document that comes through the incoming transport location. Senders, receivers and distributions are used to find the right distributions to use for the document. The remaining groups are used to control the processing and flow of the documents.
Specify one or more sender partners. These partners are used to resolve distributions. Specifying multiple partners means that multiple distributions can be matched, causing the document to be cloned for each distribution. It is very rarely meaningful to specify more than one sender partner.
Sender id macro
Specify a sender partner id or a macro to specify the sending partner. The macro is useful when the sender partner is contained in the message. For more information on macros see Macros.
Sender id qualifier macro
Specify a sender partner id qualifier (GLN, CVR...) or a macro to specify the id qualifier of the sender id. A fixed qualifier is useful when only the sender id is contained in the message. The macro is useful when the id qualifier is contained in the message. For more information on macros see Macros.
Specify one or more receiver partners. These partners are used to resolve distributions. Specifying multiple partners means that multiple distributions can be matched, causing the document to be cloned for each distribution.
Receiver id macro
Specify a receiver partner id or a macro to specify the receiving partner. The macro is useful when the receiver partner is contained in the message. For more information on macros see Macros.
Receiver id qualifier macro
Specify a receiver partner id qualifier (GLN, CVR...) or a macro to specify the id qualifier of the receiver id. A fixed qualifier is useful when only the receiver id is contained in the message. The macro is useful when the id qualifier is contained in the message. For more information on macros see Macros.