Show Log

Show Log

Show Log

In the log dialog you can get information about the events that have occurred for a specific object in Link. In the example screenshot below, you can see logged events for a data group. This window is shown when the user clicks 'Show log' on a datagroup item in the grid.

The logged items are saved in a data grid. Depending on the object being logged, some columns may not be in use.

Column Descriptions

The definition of each column will be described in detail below.

Created [1]

The date and time the event occurred.

Area [2]

Which area of Link was affected by the event. In the example above, some areas regarding data groups were affected.

Action [3]

The action that took place when the event occurred. In the example above, several partners and distribution objects were added (inserted) to a data group.

Affected Object[4]

Defines the specific object that was affected by the event. In this example the events affected several partners and document types in Link.

Affected Column [5]

Mangler tekst

Value From [6]

Mangler tekst

Value [7]

Mangler tekst

User [8]

The user that was logged in when the event occurred. 

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 2.10