Receive Component

Receive Component

A message in the Link is created when a message is received in BizTalk through the EdiPortalDisassembler pipeline component. There is a sequence of different ways to configure the component in order to succesfully initialize a Link message flow. 


The disassembler component contains the following properties:

  • BackupContextProperties.
    Specifies if the context properties should be stored from the inbound interchange. If they are stored they will be reapplied if the message is resent on an Interchange level.
  • BackupContextPropertiesMessage.
    Specifies if the context properties should be stored from the inbound message. If they are stored they will be reapplied if the message is resent on a Message level.
  • CacheInMinutes.
    For optimizing performance caching of various types of data can be done. This property defines how long the cache should be kept alive, before being refreshed. Setting this to 0 will disable caching.
  • CustomDisassemblePipeline.
    The disassembler component supports disassembling XML, EDIFACT as well as flat file based formats. If there is a need to disassemble other formats, the fully qualified name of a receive pipeline can be specified here, and it will be invoked from within the EdiPortalDisassembler component.
  • DataOwnerId.
    Can be used to specify the DataOwner. If this is not specified (set to -1) the component will try to lookup the DataOwner based on data from the following: DistributionId, EdiPortalIdSender, SenderIdMacro or OriginatingSystem. If it cannot be found out based on this the default dataowner will be applied.
  • DistributionId.
    Specifies a concrete distribution to use for processing the message. If a distribution is supplied the following fields will be ignored: DistributionObject, EdiPortalIdReceiver, EdiPortalIdSender, FormatName, ReceiverIdMacro, ReceiverIdQualifierMacro, SenderIdMacro, SenderIdQualifierMacro, VariantName and VariantVersion.
  • DistributionObject.
    Specifies the name of the DocumentType. If this is not specified the component will attempt to look it up in the Link based on the BTS.MessageType context property.
  • DocumentNumberMacro.
    Can be used to assign the message with a document number through a macro. Alternative this can be promoted from the inbound schema (property name: DocumentsId, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.Identification).
  • DumpToFolder.
    This field can be used to specify a folder where BizTalk can store temporary copies of a message through a message flow. This is primarily used for testing purposes, where a message needs to be evaluated on more levels than the files that are stored in the Link (InterchangeIn, MessageIn, CDM, MessageOut and InterchangeOut).
  • EdiPortalIdReceiver.
    The document sender can be identified by its assigned EdiPortalId.
  • EdiPortalIdSender.
    The document receiver can be identified by its assigned EdiPortalId.
  • FlatFileDocumentSchema.
    If the FormatType field is set to “FlatFile” this will be used as the document schema for disassembling the flat file. Must be fully qualified and the schema must be installed in GAC.
  • FlatFileHeaderSchema.
    If the FormatType field is set to “FlatFile” this will be used as the header schema for disassembling the flat file. Must be fully qualified and the schema must be installed in GAC.
  • FlatFileTrailerSchema.
    If the FormatType field is set to “FlatFile” this will be used as the trailer schema for disassembling the flat file. Must be fully qualified and the schema must be installed in GAC.
  • FormatName.
    Used in combination with VariantName and VariantVersion to lookup the value used instead of the FullyQualifiedSchemaName field.
  • FormatType.
    Specifies the FormatType which is needed to know how to disassemble the message.
  • FullyQualifiedEnvelopeSchemaName.
    If you are using FormatType Xml, and need to specify an envelope schema to be stripped from the document during the Xml disassembling.
  • FullyQualifiedSchemaName.
    Specifies the schema to use as document schema for disassembling XML. This is only relevant when you for some reason have two or more schemas deployed with the same root node and namespace. If this is supplied the following fields will be ignored: FormatName, VariantName and VariantVersion.
  • OneInterchangeOneMessage.
    If you know that the interchanges received through this pipeline will not contain more than one message this can be set to True, which will improve performance.
  • OriginatingIdMacro.
    Macro for resolving an OriginatingId. Alternatively this can be promoted from the inbound message XML schema (property name: OriginatingId, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.Tracking).
  • OriginatingSystemsId.
    Identifies the originating system of the sending partner.
  • PreDisassemblePipeline.
    It is possible to specify a pipeline that will be executed before the message is disassembled. Must be a fully qualified name.
  • ReceiverIdMacro.
    Identification of the document receiver. Can be a hardcoded value or a macro. If this is not specified it is expected that this is promoted from the disassemble process (property name: ReceiverId, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.PartnerReceiver).
  • ReceiverIdQualifierMacro.
    The qualifier used to identify the IdentificationType to be used to lookup the receiver partner based on the ReceiverId. If this is not specified the default IdentificationType associated with the XML schema will be used unless the qualifier is promoted through the schema (property name: ReceiverIdQualifier, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.PartnerReceiver).
  • SenderIdMacro.
    Identification of the document sender. Can be a hardcoded value or a macro. If this is not specified it is expected that this is promoted from the disassemble process (property name: SenderId, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.PartnerSender).
  • SenderIdQualifierMacro.
    The qualifier used to identify the IdentificationType to be used to lookup the sender partner based on the SenderId. If this is not specified the default IdentificationType associated with the XML schema will be used unless the qualifier is promoted through the schema (property name: SenderIdQualifier, namespace: http://Ebex.EdiPortal.Common.BizTalkCommonProperty.PartnerSender).
  • UsePriorityQueue.
    If this is enabled the message will not be submitted to BizTalks MesageBox directly. Instead it will be placed in a queue in the Link database, from which messages are published to BizTalk in a prioritized manner.
  • VariantName.
    Used in combination with FormatName and VariantVersion to lookup the value used instead of the FullyQualifiedSchemaName field.
  • VariantVersion.
    Used in combination with FormatName and VariantName to lookup the value used instead of the FullyQualifiedSchemaName field.
  • Zipped.
    Specifies if the inbound file is a zip archive that must be extracted before disassembling.


Here are some examples of configurations for the EdiPortalDisassembler.

 EDIFACT files


In this simple scenario, the DataOwner is specified and the FormatType is set to EDIFACT. The IdentificationType and the values for sender and receiver are promoted from the UNB segment of the EDIFACT interchange file. The DocumentType is looked up in the Link based on the rootnode and namespace of the disassembled XML. When the sender, receiver and document type is known a distribution can be looked up in the Link.

 XML files with specified sender

XML files with specified sender

In this scenario, the DataOwner and the document sender is specified. Since the receiver is not specified, it is expected to be promoted from the ingoing XML document. 

 FlatFiles with sender and receiver specified

FlatFiles with sender and receiver specified

In this scenario, the DataOwner and both sender and receiver are specified. The FormatType is set to FlatFile, which makes FlatFileDocumentSchema necessary to disassemble the document. The DocumentType will be looked up based on the BTS.MessageType of the disassembled message.

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The information on this page is based on Link 2.10