Release Notes - Link 2.12


Hotfix 1: Fixed locking issue in Outbox stored procedure
Hotfix 2: Fixed monitor keeps suppressing.
Hotfix 3: Fixed Bizbrains Edifact Assembler (Microsoft) to take UNA and UNB values from the Partner in Link. (Error: No UNB segment is written - UNZ can't be written)
Hotfix 4: Performance enhancements for outgoing transport: Send orchestration no longer awaits delivery notifications (dehydrates) for dynamically configured one-way BizTalk send ports (acknowledgements are handled asynchronously).
Hotfix 5: Fixed an issue where edifact control-messages where not created, when using Link Edifact Disassembler instead of Microsoft.
Hotfix 6: Fixed an issue when generating Edifact CONTRL (CONTROL) Messages using Link edifact Assembler.
Hotfix 7: Partner contacts in mail-templates.
Hotfix 8: A new error-code is created when an error occurs in the XML disassembler.
Hotfix-9: Fixed: Schema validation not working when xml schema contains multiple root node definitions
Hotfix-10: Thottling and batch-size configuration regarding polling of originating system responses.
Hotfix-11: Fixed: Unable to use CDM based macros when using external itinerary framework.
Hotfix-12: Fix spelling error in permission: Developer_Action_ErrorCode_Create
Hotfix-13: Fixed: Bizbrains Edifact Disassembler not handling Control Messages correct.
Hotfix-14: Feature: Enable promotion of Format / Variant / Version from pre-disassembler
Hotfix-15: Fixed: Originating System - Status Response performance
Hotfix-16: Feature: Recursive debatching in custom xml disassembler.
Hotfix-17: Fixed: Issue with edifact control messages (infinite loop in SGLoop segments)
Hotfix-18: Feature: Persistence of run-time resolved transport configuration (outbound) to facilitate usage from asyncronous transport implementations.
Hotfix-19: Fixed: Issue with missing endpoint authentication for AS4.
Hotfix-20: Fixed: Xml disassemble errors where tracked as error code 0 (.net changes).
Hotfix-21: Fixed: Xml disassemble errors where tracked as error code 0 (DB changes).
Hotfix-22: Fixed: Various unique constrain issues regaring user groups.
Hotfix-23: Fixed: Using * as wildcard while configuring monitor item for monitoring document types.
Hotfix-24: Fixed: Invalid datetime sent in notification emails from Link monitor caused by timezone mismatch (UTC/local).
Hotfix-25: Fixed: Alerts not firing due to time zone mismatches (UTC/local).
Hotfix-26: Fixed: Documents for which error rules have been applied can't be deleted.
Hotfix-27: Fixed: When configurating polling locations, environment "Dev" allways showed up as default. Regardless of current environment.
Hotfix-28: Fixed: Maintainence job deleted documents that was marked as "Preserve for test".
Hotfix-29: Fixed: Error in ErrorRules job
Hotfix-30: Fixed potential type cast exception in MS edifact assembler.
Hotfix-31: Fixed: Support for UNOY in Edifact disassembler.
Hotfix-32: SFTP adapter updated to use v.
Hotfix-33: Fixed: When using Seeburger edifact assembler with syntax version 4 UNB date used format YYMMDD instead of YYYYMMDD.
Hotfix-34: Fixed isues in EdiPortalSFTP adapter: Potentieal null-reference exception when using static send port. Potential error when using relative folder paths when FTP user don't have root access.
Hotfix-35: Added support for custom HTTP headers in HttpSend transport type (database changes).
Hotfix-36: Added support for custom HTTP headers in HttpSend transport type (code changes).
Hotfix-37: Added support for the %SourceFileName% macro in the EdiPortalSftpTransmitAdapter when running in static mode, regardless of whether the message comes from Link or Biztalk.
Hotfix-38: Fixed: Error in Link Adminstrations when multiple SQL Servers are added as same environment.
Hotfix-39: Remove async/await methods from AS4 to remove deadlocks in Biztalks thread-pool.
Hotfix-40: Adds the option to stop documents in Inbox and transfer them from Link2 to Link3 for further processing. Set dataowner-key: 'DoNotMoveToInbox' to 'true' to enable this feature.
Hotfix-41: {SourceFileName} macro support in mail-templates.
Hotfix-42: Include tags and proxy partner filters in partner search
Hotfix-43: X12: Ougoing interchange number included in GS segment.
Hotfix-44: X12: Implemented overwrite option on distribution for: ISA05, ISA06, ISA07, ISA08, GS02, GS03, GS08
Hotfix-45: Nemhandel eDelivery - Bizbrains VAN - PartnerFallBack
Hotfix-46: Fix 'No SmpProcess found in the lookup-result'. error in peppol-lookup.
Hotfix-47: Added Content-type to AS2 send location.
Hotfix-48: Fixed issues in eDelivery (Nemhandel/Peppol) PartnerFallBack (wrong lookup and null-reference exception)
Hotfix-49: New Link statuses for handling parallel production with Link3.
Hotfix-50: Posibility to swith processing to Link3 on distribution level.
Hotfix-51: eDelivery COUNTRY_C1 fallback to value 'DK' when no XPath is provided or XPath does not return anything.
Hotfix-52: Fixed error when resolving data owner based on edifact message.
Hotfix-53: Fixed error: When a PreDisassemble enriches OriginatingId and raises an error afterwards, that OriginatingId is not tracked.
Hotfix-54: Optimized cleanup of sequence values.
Hotfix-55: Document can now be retrieved from Outbox for specified data owner - database changes
Hotfix-56: Document can now be retrieved from Outbox for specified data owner - .net changes
Hotfix-57: Await application lock when retrieving documents from outbox.

Known issues

Breaking change in "Create Dataowner" script. Because of changes in the User tables, dataowner-scripts created before 2.11 can't run on a 2.11 installation and later.

Installer changes

New windows service introduced in 2.11:

Windows services will no longer be started automatically after installation (after 2.11). 

It affects the following services:

  • Nemhandel Service
  • Monitor Service
  • Scheduler Service

New Features

FEATURE - Use IdentificationTypes in receive-services

Preparation for Link 3, remove "EdiPortal-ID" from partner and only use identifycation type and id

FEATURE - Set priority for documents sent directly to Inbox

By default documents that come in from receive site directly to Inbox don't have any priority. 

This can be helped with this table to configure specific scenarios where we want to make sure a priority is given:

FEATURE - ServiceWindow for Inbox-polling for specific dataowner

New DataownerKey IsServiceWindow can be set to true, to stop processing documents for a given dataowner. This can be used when the dataowners other systems are down for maintenance. Importent to use priorityqueue so every document passed through inbox

  • Will not require restart to stop moving documents from status inbox to Inboxqueue

FEATURE - Save empty fields in conversion table

To make sure that previous method that return a row as key value will return key for all cloumns

FEATURE - REST API Get From Outbox

Get documents from Outbox or implement Async Send using the REST interface:

FEATURE - Rest API - Better Authorization logging

Log additional information for when authentication fails. Is it caused by expired token or what is the actual cause.

FEATURE - Public API async tracking

  • Track based on guid – dont wait for id
  • Track even while Link is being updated, in which case the data is put in buffer sql and syncronized later.

Not ready to manually handle your documents? Put them ”On Hold” so they are easy to find again

Configure error actions based on what different fields contain, just like when you configure email rules. Unfortunately No GUI is available yet.

You can choose from the following actions when the rule apply

  • SetStatus
  • SetStakeholder
  • Resend
  • Recreate

FEATURE - Enable Configuration Keys in Stakeholder emails

Optional includ macro to represent a configuration key in the mail subject templates. Could e.g. be used to add a general configuration key for at Distribution called SLA, and then includ the value of this in the mail subject.

FEATURE - Cleanup Link Document_StatusTypes with new setting in tDataBackup

3 additional fields have been added to tDataBackups, to make it possible to free up additional space by keeping specific data for a shorter period:

  • DaysToKeepAdditionalFiles - Theese are often only additional log files, and recommended number of days to keep would be 90 days.
  • DaysToKeepDocumentFlowStatus - Theese are the more technical status in the status list, like "TransformToCdm Startet" etc. Often only needed for a short period. Recommend to keep 90 days.
  • DaysToKeepTransportLogIn - Before it was actually cleanup each nigt, but it would be recommended to keep for e.g. 90 days.

FEATURE - Better filter options when choosing test-cases in Test Tool

When you have a lot of test cases, this filter option will help you

Option to enable Azure AD for enabling/disabling users in Link and doing autorization.

FEATURE - AS4 - Additional Partner Identification

Additional fields for AS4 transport type to be able to override the sender/receiver partners AS4 id's.

FEATURE - AS2 improvements - Certificate overlap/fallback

When you need to update your own certificate, it can be hard to get all your partner to update your certificate at the same time. Now you can have a period with 2 valid AS2 certificates. This will work as a fallback, so in case the certificate with start date closest to todays date don't work, it will fallback to the other certificate. This will give your partner a timespan to update the certificate.

The information on this page is based on Link 2.12