Monitor Service Authentication Against Link

Monitor Service Authentication Against Link

All the calls to monitor service to Link will be authenticated now against a link user.The link user needs to be in a user group with permissions MonitorService WebServiceAcces and EdiPortalUser .  The monitor service now include two new keys in the app.config file used for Link user and password. The value should contain the Link user who have these permissions.

  • <add key="MonitorServiceLinkUserName" value="{MonitorServiceLinkUserName}"/>
  • <add key="MonitorServiceLinkUserPassword" value="{MonitorServiceLinkUserPassword}"/>

We don't need to do anything as the new role, user group and user will be created automatically. In case if anyone wants to use different user. The user needs to be in a user group having the two permissions and add the user in the config file for the monitor service and restart the service.

For windows authentication we need to make AD user part of security group (AD) reflected in Link
and have both EdiPortalUser and MonitorService WebServiceAcces permissions

The refresh and access token authentication mechanism has been implemented so user credentials will be used only once and then access token will be used for further calls to Link

The following permissions are required both for windows and token based authentication

  • MonitorService WebServiceAcces
  • EdiPortalUser 

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The information on this page is based on Link 2.9