Charts - Developing new Charts

Charts - Developing new Charts


Whether we are talking Bar charts, Pie charts, Curve charts, or Grid charts, they all have some common fundamentals that are required to work.
These fundamentals are:

  • The type of the chart must be registered within the Reporting.tDiagramTypes table:


  • Then, in Reporting.tDiagrams, you can add a row that will translate into a chart in Link. In this row, you define which type of chart(diagram) the data will be represented by, what the chart will say in its header and Y-axis, which dataowner the chart will appear on, and what stored procedure provides the data for this chart.

Stored Procedure

In order to provide data to the given chart, a custom stored procedure must be created which provides data output in a format fitting the target chart type. Let us use the Grid chart type as an example with this sample custom stored procedure:
It accepts 2 pieces of data per row, defined as 'Name' and 'Value.' 
This stored procudure is named "Custom.pDiagramGrid_Simple." Notice that this was the name defined in the image example earlier as the stored procedure assigned to that row.

Note: It is important to create these specific chart stored-procedures in the "custom" schema. Otherwise they might be overwritten/deleted in an upgrade of Link.

Grid Charts

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