Monitor Item Detail
On this page you can get more detailed information about a monitor item and its corresponding monitor type and group. Each field is described in more detail on the 'Create Monitor Item' page. To see more information about the different monitor item types, see the 'Monitor Item Types' page in the user guide.
A few new options are available on the monitor item detail page, which will be explained below.

Click here to refresh the monitor item details.
Create new
Press this to start creating a new monitor item. See the 'Create Monitor Item' for more details.
Monitor Item Tabs [2]
If you selected more than one monitor item on the 'Monitor Config' page to show, each group can be selected in the corresponding tab. The current tab is highlighted in white. Note that the action buttons will only affect the currently opened monitor item.
These buttons allow you to perform actions on the currently opened monitor item.
Click this to start editing the monitor item. All previously locked fields will become available to edit. See the 'Create Monitor Item' page for more details on what each field means. Check the 'Monitor Item Types' page for more information about each monitor type. When you are done editing, press the 'Save' button. Press 'Cancel' to abort and cancel your changes.
Press this to delete the currently opened monitor item. A prompt will be shown asking you to confirm your choice.
Show group
Click this to be redirected to the page for the monitor group the monitor item is included in. See the 'Monitor Group Detail' page in the user guide for more information.