Absence Calendar
Karsten Markmann
Absence Calendar
You can use absence calendars to create absence templates for your alerts. This is useful if you have many alerts configured, which need to have the same absence settings. On the absence calendar page you can get an overview of all configured absence templates. Note: The 'Refresh' and 'New Alert' buttons in the upper part of the page are disabled when creating absence templates.
Create new template [1]
Click here to begin creating a new absence template. You will be redirected to a new page allowing you to fill in the required information. The first half of the page asks you to fill in the name, duration and weekdays of the absence. To add a date in the 'From' and 'To' fields, you can either write it in the text field in the format YYYY-MM-DD, or press the calendar icon to the right to select a date.
After you have filled in the text fields, you can proceed to select the alert configurations which should have this absence template applied. In the lower half of the page you can see a list of all alerts in your Link solution to the left. Select the alerts you wish to apply this absence template to and click the arrows to confirm. You can also use the search fields to find specific alerts. See the animation below for reference.
When you are done configuring your absence template, press the 'Save' button in the upper left of the page. Press 'Cancel' to abort and return to the absence calendar page.
Show Templates
To see the details of one or more absence templates, select them by ticking the checkbox in the leftmost column as shown in the screenshot. The 'Show Templates' button will now be available. Click it to open up the Absence Template Details page.
If you have selected more than one absence templates, each one will be available to open in a tab [2].
Refresh [1]
Click here to refresh the data of the currently opened absence template. All alert configurations will be refreshed as well.
New Alert [1] (SKAL ÆNDRES)
Press this to start creating a new absence template (SKAL ÆNDRES)
Tabs [2]
Each absence template selected will be shown as a tab. The currently opened tab is highlighted in white. Click the tabs to switch between absence templates.
Edit [3]
Click here to start editing the currently opened absence template. The fields shown will be editable. You can also add and remove existing alert configurations to/from the absence template. Press 'Save' when you are done editing, or press 'Cancel' to abort and cancel the changes.
Delete [3]
Click this to delete the currently opened absence template. A prompt asking you to confirm your choice will be shown.
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The information on this page is based on Link 2.12