Configuration Keys - builtin
Karsten Markmann
Paw S. Pedersen
A very nice part of the Link framework is a concept called Configuration Keys. The idea with configuration keys is that you can define custom attributes for entities like partners, document types, message formats and distributions. You create configuration keys through the Link Administration Tool (explained in its own section).
If you want to define a configuration key, to specify an attribute for a partner, there are two ways of doing this. The first one is creating a general partner configuration key. This means that a value for that key can be specified for all partners. Or you can create a specific partner configuration key, where you specify a partner when creating the key in the Link Administration Tool. That configuration key will the only be usable for that specific partner.
When you have created you partner configuration key, it will be presented in the “Configuration keys” tab in the partner view of the user interface. Here value can be specified. The Link includes BizTalk mapping functoids which you can use to access the values of these keys.
Partner Settings
Key | Description | From version | Obsolete from version |
Certificate | Indeholder et link til en fil i BackupFiles databasen. Denne fil er enten et public eller private certifikat for den pågældende partner. | 1.5 | 2.0 |
CertificatePassword | Hvis certifikatet er et privat certifikat, har det typisk et password tilknyttet - dette felt indeholder dette password. | 1.5 | 2.0 |
AS2_AllowUnencryptedMessages | Hvis en partner skal have lov til at sende beskeder der ikke er krypteret via AS2, kan man sætte værdien af dette felt til True. Som default skal alle beskeder der modtages via AS2 være krypteret - ellers smides der en fejl. Script til denne nøgle ligger her: P:\Projects\Edi-Portal\Sql server scripts\Templates\AS2_Allow_Unencrypted_Unsigned_Messages.sql | 1.8 | |
AS2_AllowUnsignedMessages | Hvis en partner skal have lov til at sende beskeder der ikke er signeret via AS2, kan man sætte værdien af dette felt til True. Som default skal alle beskeder der modtages via AS2 være signeret - ellers smides der en fejl. Script til denne nøgle ligger her: P:\Projects\Edi-Portal\Sql server scripts\Templates\AS2_Allow_Unencrypted_Unsigned_Messages.sql | 1.8 |
Distribution Keys
Key | Description | From Version | Obsolete from version |
LINK_DoPgpEncryption | If key exist and set to false the PGPComponent will not do encryption even though it goes through the component | 2.1 | |
EDI_OverrideApplicationReference | If contains value this will override the value for UNB application reference when assembling edifact documents. | ||
LinkGenerateControlPerMessage | If this key is created and set, Link will generate a control message per message from the file, otherwise only 1 control per interchange is sent | 2.10 | |
EDI_OverrideReceiverId | If key exist and contains value it will override the Receiver ID value from To partner | 1.8 | |
EDI_OverrideReceiverQualifier | If key exist and contains value it will override the Receiver ID Qualifier value from To partner | 1.8 | |
EDI_OverrideSenderId | If key exist and contains value it will override the Sender ID value from From partner | 1.8 | |
EDI_OverrideSenderQualifier | If key exist and contains value it will override the Sender ID Qualifier value from From partner | 1.8 |
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The information on this page is based on Link 2.12