Link Receive - WebServices

Link Receive - WebServices

Link Receive

In Link there are several web service interfaces, that can be used to exchange documents:

You can receive/send the documents from partners in the following ways. 


The webservice interface can be used programmatically from partners to send/receive documents or BIZbrains EDI Client tool can be purchased to do the exchange for instance between local file folder and the webservice interface.

Sample of using the interface is embedded here:


Nemhandel receive can be used to receive documents from the Danish Nemhandel transport type. You just need to register the Nemhandel.svc endpoint in UDDI register like:



AS2 can be used when EdiPortal receive site has been configured. The address would be like:


The partner who needs to user your as2 EndPoint can check connectivity by using the URL from a browser and check he receives:

For instructions on setting up a AS2 Connection see the user manual.

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 2.12