Link Initialize
Initialize is the fist component to process a message that has been published to Link. Initialize is responsible for:
Resolving the input format, and converting it to a format that is optmal to work with (most often XML).
Splitting the input message in case it is a bached file.
Identifying what it is (DocumentType (todo: insert link to definition of DocumentType)), which Partner (todo: insert link to definition of Partner) sent the message, and which Partner(s) (todo: insert link to definition of Partner) should receive the message(s).
Identifying the Distribution(s) (todo: insert link to definition of Distribution) to steer the message through the Itinterary framework (todo: insert link to definition of Itinerary framework).
The inputs that the Initilize component has to work with are:
A LinkMessage (todo: insert link to definition of LinkMessage) consumed from the Link Inbox (todo: insert link to definition of Inbox).
An InitConfiguration (todo: insert link to definition of InitConfiguration)
Conceptual overview:
Related content
The information on this page is based on Link 3.00