New Partner
- Karsten Markmann
New Partner
On this page you can create a new partner in your Link solution. After creating the partner, it will be displayed in the list of partners on the 'Partner Search' page, where you can select it to see additional information.
Each of the fields will be explained in detail below. When you are done filling out the required fields, click 'Save' to create the partner. Click 'Cancel' to return to the Partner Search page.
Name [1]
Input the name of the partner here, which will then be used throughout your Link solution when referring to this partner. This field is required.
Partner Type [2]
A partner can either be internal or external. There is a clear distinction between internal and external partners. An internal partner is the company that owns the Link installation or a subdivision of it. External partners are the companies that are exchanging documents with the internal partner(s). It is set to external by default.
Identification Type [3]
The identification used for the partner can be selected from a dropdown. After selecting the identification type, you can input the value for the Identification in the 'Identification Value [4]' field. Any additional identification can be added later on the 'Partner Details page'. Each of the different identification types will be explained below.
Select this type to use a GLN number as the identification type for this partner. A GLN is a 13-digit number.
Mutually defined
This type allows you to define an identification value that has been mutually defined between you and your partner.
If you are sending documents using AS2, you can select this type to input the needed identification.
Select this type to use a CVR number as your identification type. A CVR number is an 8-digit number.
Choose this type to specify an endpoint value if the partner is using Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Identification Value [4]
Here you input the value for the type selected earlier in the Identification Type field. It is a required field.
Is Proxy Partner [5]
Tick this checkbox to mark this partner as a proxy partner. You can see more information on the 'Proxy Partners' page.
Content on this page:
The information on this page is based on Link 2.10