Partner Search Detail

Partner Search Detail

Partner Detail

On this page you can see additional information about the selected partner(s). The page contains a set of tabs that each allow you you to further configure the partner, such as contacts and locations. By default the 'General' tab is shown when opening the page.

Header Actions

The first part of the page contains general options for the partner. They will each be displayed in detail below.

Refresh [1]

Click this to refresh the partner details should they have been changed since visiting the page. 

Create new [1]

Press this to create a new partner. See the 'New Partner' page for more information.

Show log [1]

Here you can see the change log for this partner.

Export [2]

Exports the partner data to a file. The file can then be used to import a partner to a different Link instance.

Delete [2]

Click here to delete the partner. A promp will be shown allowing you to confirm your choice.

Selection Tabs [3]

If you have selected two or more partners, you will see a line of boxes which you can switch between by clicking on them. The currently selected partner is highlighted in white.

Partner Settings Tabs

The second part of the page contain the various settings tabs, that allow you to configure the partner to your needs. Each of the tabs are explained in their own section in the documention. Click the corresponding page in the documentation to see more information about the contents of the tab. By default the 'General' tab is selected.

Remember to save your changes in one tab before switching to another. 

Content on this page:

The information on this page is based on Link 2.10