Partner Search
- Karsten Markmann
Partner Search
On this page you can search and see general information about your partners. All the registered partners in your Link solution is displayed in the data grid, where they can be selected to see additional information.
The first part of the page contains options for searching and creating new partners. Each of the options will be explained in detail below.
Create new [1]
Click here to begin creating a new partner. Information on how to create partners can be found on the 'New Partner' page in the documentation.
Search [2]
Click the 'Search' button to begin searching for the value entered in the search field. Link will only show you partners that contain your filter string in their partner name, the Link Id or the Default Id.
Select 'Reset search' to clear the search field and the list of partners. If you want to have all the partners displayed again, press the 'Search' button when the search field is empty.
Extended Search Options [3]
These options allow you to further narrow your search and display more information.
Extended search
Tick this checkbox to include Partner Type, Configuration Keys and Partner specific Values in Conversions in the search.
Include last activity
Ticking this checkbox shows an extra column called Last Activity. Last Activity is the latest date where this partner was sending or receiving a message.
Data Grid
This is the main section of the Partner Search page. Information about each of the partners that matched your search filter will be displayed here. Several options are also available, which will be explained in detail below. To see additional information on how to use the data grid, go to the 'Data Grid' page in the documentation.
Show Partners [1]
After selecting one or more partners in the grid, you can press this to open the 'Partner Search Details' page for those partners. Additionally you can also double-click a single partner in the grid to open the details page for that partner.
To select one or more partners, tick the checkbox in the leftmost column of the data grid as shown in the screenshot above.
Export Selected Partners [1]
Creates an export file with all the data from the selected Partners in the table. This export file can be used to import Partners to a different Link-instance.
Data Handling [2]
These options are explained in detail on the 'Data Grid' page in the documentation. In short they allow you to quickly filter the data grid.
Right-Click Actions
When selecting one or more partners, you can right click anywhere in the grid to have a list of actions be displayed.
Each of these actions will be explained in detail below.
Export selected partners
Click this to export the selected partner(s) to your local hard drive. This has the same functionality as the 'Export Selected Partners' button.
Show distributions for partner
This will redirect you to the 'Distribution Search Result' page, showing you all the distributions in which this partner is either the From or To partner. Note that this action is only available if a single partner is selected.
Content on this page:
The information on this page is based on Link 2.10